Gentle reader, our dear El FC did well in their last match. However, I must confess, I did not extend the love that they deserved. Now, our boys in green take on Eddie Vedder’s adopted hometown. In an attempt to not embarrass myself again, I asked those at the Compound what they thought would happen…
Author: Louis de Ludovico
Here We Go Again
Gentle reader, another disappointing week. Our El FC lost a winnable game and I wasn’t able to correctly read my new bat’s movements. I feel like I’m in a Yogi Berra cycle where it’s déjà vu all over again. Or, in the (slightly emended) words of the magisterial David Coverdale, here we go again. So,…
Gettin’ Batty With It
Gentle reader, it’s been a challenging time. Firstly, as you all well know, my beloved hens departed this corporeal existence. Thanks to Chucky for filling in for me last week as I took some time to grieve. You know, in order to help others, you must help yourself first. As we all know, our beloved…
A Farewell to Pain
Gentle reader, it’s been some time since I last wrote to you. Since then, we have had to say farewell to our original coach, the Wolffman himself: Not him. But, rather, our own Josh Wolff. I, for one, do not lament the saying of farewell, but I also do not not wish him any ill…
Chicken Prediction: Feeling Funky
Gentle reader, we are in a bad state. I’m not just talking about getting arrested for saying hot isn’t a spice. No, we are in a bad state because we are not a good team. Losing again at home is rough. This season has worn me out to the point of funk. Not the cool…
Chaos seems to be the name of the game lately for our beloved El FC. In a game that the verdeblack only needed a draw, our boys marched into Frisco and came out with a butt-thumpin’ loss. To add insult to injury, our (for reasons known but to Wolff) captain decided to lose his mind…
Rotten in Austin
To Wolff, or not to Wolff, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler on the pitch to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous horseshoes, Or to take arms against a sea of losing And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and…
Chicken Prediction: Frustration
Josh Wolff is a good man and coach. However, he’s not the right coach for us at this moment. We need a change. #WolffOut
Derivitive Times
Welp, gentle reader, El FC won their last match. As in the previous match, my reading of The Colonel was mixed: correct number of goals, but wrong distribution. I’m not worried, though. Although my time back here at the compound is limited, I’m confident that we will become more united in spirit, thought, and voice….
Looney Rhythms
Gentle reader, I am still riding high on the endorphin rush brought about by my return home. The only thing that is keeping me grounded is the deep emptiness within my soul. Losing one’s chickens does that to your natural rhythms. Although I got the number of goals correct, I slightly missed on the distribution…