Hello TF9ers! Now that the Austin FC season has ended we can look back on it and think about the good times (Rodney Redes scoring), the bad times (Any Cup competition), and all the times in between. Last season I ranked all the previous Training Tops. This season’s shirts are mostly uninspired along with having fewer of them, and yes, it’s weird to complain about the number of bad training top designs released. Before I get to the final rankings, it’s important to recap each of the kits as a reminder (and so you can form your own opinions and possibly get irrationally angry over kit rankings).
MLS Works Kick Childhood Cancer x Marvel Pre-Match Top

A big digression for the “Kick Childhood Cancer” tops that does more than just use the awareness color (yellow) in a geometric pattern. The gold/blue is a great color combination and the swirl pattern blends them well. the “Marvel” part is minimized, which is a positive.
Hispanic Heritage Pre-Match Top

I want to hate this, especially with Austin FC’s limited acknowledgement of Hispanic Heritage Month, but the colors, the different fonts, and color arrangement makes for a really bright and fun kit design. Question: Do we think this will cause some people to think “Adidas” is a company founded in Spain or another Spanish speaking country?
Pride Pre-Match Top

There’s…a lot of missed opportunities here. Mostly the color scheme, which favors pastels over any discernible rainbow or Progress Pride flag color pattern. Had the slogan “Love Unites” been done in that pattern this would be at the top of the list, but their color choices leave a lot to be desired.
Americana x Captain America Pre-Match Top

As I’ve written previous, this is The Worst Kit in the History of Kits It’s last in the article and it won’t be ranked. Whoever designed this should be forced to stare at it all day every day in some kind of Kubrickian torture scene and feel bad about themselves for eternity.
The Final Rankings:
- Hispanic Heritage Pre-Match Top
- MLS Works Kick Childhood Cancer x Marvel Pre-Match Top
- Pride Pre-Match Top
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