5) FIFA Does An Oopsie

If you’re gonna have it leak, let it be either hilariously dumb, or sneaky AF. This one gets a “meh” from me in both categories.
4) Fans Pull Off Elaborate Heist At The Verde Store

I’ve seen what some of you glorious weirdos are capable of. This doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch.
3) Pollo Is Chosen To Model Kit, Forgets To Take It Off Before Hitting The Domain.

Seeing how Pollo has no arms, if no one was there to take it off for him, it would not be his fault.
2) Colorblind Intern Confuses Kit For American Flag

If this is how they choose to unveil it next season, just remember who put the idea out there.
1) Local Food Influencer Posts Photo Of Herself Doing Duck Lips And Bragging About Being In A Commercial…While Wearing Closely Guarded New Kit Design

TBH, this is so hilariously on brand for 2025, I kind of love this for us.