Summer has begun here in Austin TX with temperatures already rising to where we get multiple heat advisory texts from the city in a week. There is only one solution to beat the heat: Don’t go outside.
But Charles, what about the chickens? Don’t they live outside? Have you forsaken them?
First, that’s insulting, and secondly, it was hotly debated.
But no, dear readers, we did not forsake the chickens, we merely used one of the many empty Compound rooms as a temporary chicken coop. It’s been great to hang out with The Colonel, who has already nestled a spot on the couch next to me while I did something I like to do every summer: Re-watch Community.

The best episode of the show takes place in Season 3 when they reference an obscure Japanese film that no one has ever referenced or alluded to in their work before. It’s title “Remedial Chaos Theory” centers around a house warming party for Troy and Abed’s apartment wherein the story branches based on a dice roll of who has to go downstairs to get the pizza. The Darkest Timeline is when Troy goes to get the pizza and well, you’ve all seen the gif of his returning to the apartment, but here’s the entire scene:
I’m sure at this point you’re wondering what this has to do with Austin FC, chickens, or the season of summer.
Tonight, Austin FC travels to San Jose, California to take on the San Jose Earthquakes, a team who are widely known as being pure chaos thanks to a strong attack and a similarly weak defense. Austin has played as many 4-3 matches against them as every other team in the league and the only 0-0 match between the two sides happened because of the Riddler showing up and playing a bongo.

It was at the end of Remedial Chaos Theory, Season 3 Episode 4 of the series, when The Colonel bawked, turned, did a somersault, and then placed himself back in the same spot, ready to move along.
San Jose Chaos merchants 4 – Austin FC 3