Gentle reader, I am still riding high on the endorphin rush brought about by my return home. The only thing that is keeping me grounded is the deep emptiness within my soul. Losing one’s chickens does that to your natural rhythms. Although I got the number of goals correct, I slightly missed on the distribution thereof.
At least, I wasn’t as off as our dear friend, Phil.
Despite El FC throwing away two valuable points, I’ve been enjoying my time back at the compound. The rhythms of life continue, as always. The birds singing, the bugs chirping, Charles snoring. You might even say these rhythms are mystic.
Embracing these rhythms, I decided to take the new chicken, The Colonel, for walk around Town Lake in order to align ourselves more to each other. We strolled for a bit and then went for a snowball at Casey’s.

While consuming my tiger blood/cherry concoction, I looked at The Colonel and felt a tinge of affection. Could I have space in my heart for a new hen? While pondering this existential questions, our eyes locked and chakras aligned. The Colonel led me away from the bee-infested trashcans and then leapt once to the left and then stopped.
As David Coverdale would say, “Here we go again.”
El FC 0-1 Looneys