Welcome back to another season of the La Murga Report, the most unreliably recurring special feature in False Nine history. Look, we know that we kinda fell off writing this thing pretty early into the season last year, and we wish that we had some rad excuse for our negligence. But alas, the truth is that once you miss a week or two of updates it becomes arduous to fill in those gaps and the hill seemed insurmountable. And for that we would like to offer our sincerest apologies.
But a new season means a newfound resolve to keep this silly bastard of data journalism alive and up-to-date, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. And if you’re wondering what this whole deal is even about, here’s a brief recap: throughout the season, we will keep track of which songs La Murga de Austin plays during a match. We’ll then see if there is any correlation between particular songs being played and certain results on the field (such as goals scored or conceded). With that out of the way, we have a fresh set of data from Matchday 1, so let’s get to the numbers!
What Songs Were Played, and How Many Times?

Random observations: No new songs were added in the offseason, which isn’t that surprising: Murga’s m.o. the past couple of years is to introduce new songs mid-season. There were also a lot of “*clapclapclap* ATX” interludes last night, which suggests (to us at least) that the band needed a few more interstitial moments in between songs to find the right groove. We assume that many Austin FC players on the field could relate.
Also, the preponderance of “*clapclapclap* ATX” chants last night gave ample opportunity for a few industrious souls in the south end to chant “*clapclapclap* PAY THE REFS.” For those who are unaware, a labor dispute has led MLS to lock out all union professional referees. As a result, last weekend’s matches were officiated by non-union workers. La Murga released a joint statement with Los Verdes urging MLS to end the lockout and negotiate with the referee’s union in good faith. And just so we’re clear: it is the official position of the Murga Report that #FairPayisFairPlay and we stand in solidarity with the locked out referees. Pay the damn refs, MLS.
What Songs Were Playing When Austin Scored

Random observations: We have always loved it when songs from the inaugural season find success. “Let’s Go ATX” has been a stalwart of the setlist over the years, and though the goal was scored in the garbage-est of garbage time, it is still deserving of respect.
What Songs Were Playing When Minnesota Scored

Random observations: Giving up goals is never fun, but giving up goals during “Feliz Feliz” just feels cruel. No me siento muy contento. Also, the choreographed jumping becomes that much more difficult. We would really appreciate it if opponents refrained from scoring during this song in the future.
Season Totals

Final Thoughts
Not a lot of data from which to extrapolate any trends, so this week we’d like to acknowledge everyone in La Murga for keeping the stadium electric for the fourth straight home opener. We hope that, for as long as there is an Austin FC, there will be LMdA. Ya va llegando la banda, friends, and we’re so proud that you are here.