Gentle reader, we won! Yes, my hens saw this victory coming. If I’m not mistaken, this is the second league victory in a row. Do I dare say we’re on a winning streak?
I will also begrudgingly admit that in inestimable Phil West also predicted a victory, but didn’t trust El FC’s defense as much as my hens.
Now, before you put the kibosh on my streaking claim by bringing up our loss to Chicago in the US Open Cup, let me remind you that I was sick and didn’t watch it. Ergo, if one doesn’t observe an event, that event doesn’t happen. Pretty simple philosophy, really.
And so, we should embrace our win streak. We should expect victory against our jort-wearing, self-sharting, never-actually-attending-matches, in-state brethren.
I mean, c’mon. Look at the paucity of supporters here. Embarrasing.

To slightly amend Will Ferrell’s immortal words, “Let’s continue our streaking!”
Such a great scene. Captured the zeitgeist of its time perfectly.
Wait. What’s this?
So, today I learned that the knee not only has anterior and posterior ligaments, but lateral ones as well. Truth be told, I’d rather not possess this anatomical knowledge. I’d rather have one of the few players who’s been a bright light for us throughout this dark and dank season remain healthy and productive.
For some reason, Oscar Wilde’s famous quote about second marriages is coming to my mind: “The triumph of hope over experience.” Today, San Julius, Wolfie, and I choose hope over our past, hope over rationality, hope over reality.
El FC 1-1 Houston
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