Gentle reader, we have made it to the end. The final game of a challenging season. Looking back, this has been a discomforting season: players not playing to their potential, players playing who shouldn’t be playing, players not playing who should be playing, and a coach who is always dead-on in his tactics and man management.
Wait. What if this is not the end of the season? What if this is just some elaborate psy-op, orchestrated by the billionaire class, to keep the common man down? Or, what if this entire season was a charade, a play in real life that only serves as a distraction from the true things that matter.
Laugh if you may, gentle reader. But, these thoughts have been coursing through my brain as rivulets of considerations. It all began a few weeks’ ago when I passed a 5G tower. As I ambled by it, I felt a twinge inside of me. Without a doubt, the nanobots that were forcefully injected into my bloodstream under the guise of a “vaccine” were awakened. I no longer had full control of my body, but the veil over my eyes had been lifted.
We all know about the veracity of “Q.” Now, however, I know the truth. It’s not Q we need to listen to, but “H.”
H drops all sorts of knowledge, if you’re willing to accept it. For instance, the Phantom Time Conspiracy Theory is absolutely true. You can’t convince me that this guy ever existed.

I now know that this year’s Burning Man fiasco was a multi-governmental effort to make the lives of impressionable young think about and worry about end times and “Climate Change.” I tell you what. Here’s climate change: summer, fall, winter, spring.
Did you know that body cloning technology is so advanced that both President Biden and John Fetterman are actually dead, but clones have been made and are acting in their stead? It’s true. H told me so.
Finally, you know what else is true? El FC are finally ending their season. Hugo Chavez and the entire Venezulan government have already chosen the scoreline. No chickens are needed.
El FC 1-2 It Just Doesn’t Matter