Gentle reader, it’s been a trying season for us so far. Our woes continued last week, losing to LAFC. We can’t claim it as a surprise, though. Both our lovely hens picked the outcome and so did Phil West. Let’s not mince words. We’re playing badly. Having said that, let me be clear: we’re not bad, but simply playing badly. There is a difference and we can turn this around.
All’s not doom and gloom. In fact, some fantastic news dropped this week.
If you don’t think Julio’s important to us, allow me to take you to St. Paul’s in London to gaze upon Christopher Wren’s tomb and its famous inscription: “If you need an example, look around.”

Reader, look around at our play since he went down injured.
More good news was announced.
Wolfie told me that we probably shouldn’t expect him to play this week, but that the future is looking less and less depressing.
Having said that, let me depress you with this news.
Zan was having such an improved year. As one of our best defenders and offensive threats (sigh), his absence will be felt.
Ruminating on these waves of emotions, I thought of that great teacher of modern-day Stoicism: the 80s sitcom, “The Facts of Life.” Their theme song is filled with words we should take to heart. And I do.
Back to my walk about the compound. I made it to our coneflower patch and looked closely to see if any flowers were about to bloom. Reader, I’m sorry to say that nothing is yet imminent. But, patience is the key and I will wait.
It was at this moment that San Julius came up to me. It was a wonderfully gentle moment. We sat together, breeze blowing, sun shining. Everything perfect. I turned to tell her I loved her when she locked eyes with me. Our chakras aligned. She took a hesitating step to the right and then two firm steps to the left. Yes, my dears, I understand. I hope not, but it looks like we suffer one more week.
El FC 1-2 Western Canucks
(1) All Canucks are Western, and
(2) I liked it better when your chickens predicted wins.