Gentle reader, El FC’s last performance was surprising. And by surprising, I mean it ended in a victory. I will admit I was not expecting that. Unfortunately, Phil West was.
Also, the dearth of trust in the team seems to not be an uncommon opinion.
And so, today, gentle reader, I look to turn over a new leaf (at least for this weekend). No more existential dread. No more nihilism. No more nattering nabobs. Nope. I will henceforth (at least for this weekend) be as happy as Grimey himself.

I’ve even added a new song to the soundtrack of my life. My compound-mates are a bit sick of it, but I don’t care. Call me Mr. Positivity.
Our MVP barely putting up average numbers? Pfft. No worries here.
Our soul of the team player underperforming as well? One game with a few positive actions has changed my mind for good.
Our goalie . . . . Ok. He’s a badass. Was a badass from day 1. Is still a badass. Will be a badass per saecula saeculorum.
I can’t even remember whom we take on this weekend. (Googles furiously).
That’s right. A non-royal team with a royal name in a city with some of the worst public art and architecture around. Nice people, though.
Needless to say, we’re going to crush them. I shout out, like some teen in Red Dawn facing down the Commies, “Austiiiiiiiiiin!”

I look down towards Wolfie, who’s been on the receiving end of this positivity. I scatter some of my 100% organic, ethically-source, pelleted feed and observe her. She quickly eats twice towards the right and then stops.
Yes, my dear, I understand.
El FC 2-0 Does it even matter
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