Gentle reader, we are in a bad state. I’m not just talking about getting arrested for saying hot isn’t a spice. No, we are in a bad state because we are not a good team. Losing again at home is rough.
This season has worn me out to the point of funk. Not the cool funk, mind you.
Rather, this kind of funk.

I try to be happy. I try to be generous in my views towards ownership and management. But, I can’t. As usual, the only thing that has historically brought me any solace, any comfort, is my chickens.
So, I turned to The Colonel, confident in the fact that she would elevate my spirts. And she did. She came all a-struttin’.

She then did something quite odd. She put on a coon-skin hat. How strange. This then took my mind to a wonderful sketch from a bit ago.
Sitting there, grinning while my funk passed from me like so much Taco Bell, I suddenly stopped in my tracks. My happiness was derived from Canadians doing well.
Oh no.
I turned to the Colonel and my funk redoubled.
El FC 1-2 Toronto
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