Gentle reader, let me begin by thanking fellow compound-mate, Charles, for filling in for me last Wednesday’s match, which was characterized by a sad lacking of our midfield maestro, Daniel Pereira. As one might surmise, our bhoys in viride did not emerge victorious.
It really does come down to, no Dani, no party. Sure, some people will say this handsome devil is the key to our success.

However, I would argue that, despite him being critical to our team converting chances, we could not get those chances without Dani making the first play a few actions before the shot and goal. I see him as our version of Luka Modric. Doesn’t score much, but is critical to the build-up play.
For example, look at this recent work. The goal can not exist if Dani doesn’t look to break the initial line of confrontation with an agressive dribble.
Thinking this over, and much more, I found myself in a far corner of the compound. I had evidently wandered to the section we call “The Refuse Pit” because that’s where we dump our trash and eventually set it alight, dancing ancient dances in return for good match results.
It was at this moment that I smiled the smile of one who knows that Dani will once again be in our lineup.
Then, San Julius came up to me. She brushed up lightly against my leg, affirming her affection. I accepted with an open heart. In appreciation, I reached into my pocket and grabbed a handful of 100% organic, ethically sourced, pelleted feed and scattered a bit for her to consume.
It was then that her eyes locked with mine. Thusly in her gaze, our chakras aligned and the world stood still. Absolutely still. She casually ate twice to the right and aggressively once to the left.
Yes, my dear. I understand.
El FC 2-1 Stolen town name chosen to try and act like the successful one in Missouri
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