Whoa! What a cardiac-challenged match we witnessed this weekend!
Let’s relive that hype one last time:
And, yes, my lovely hens augured the win.
But, it’s now time we move on towards our destiny. For the second week in a row, our beloved El FC will host the match. This match is against no ordinary opponent. No, gentle reader. This game is against the team with the greatest and most impressive supporters’ section in the whole, wide world.
Being so excited, I found myself in a continuous monologue about all the possible permutations of lineups, ref blunders, etc. Once, while wandering the compound, I stumbled upon my lovelies. When she heard me mention “FC Frisco,” Wolfie directed me inside the residence and pointed me to a book, scented with time. I pulled it off the shelf and saw a page marked. I opened it up and read, to my delight these words of Percy Bysshe Shelley:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

I knew my hens were clever, but to push me to a poem that celebrates how the once mighty have fallen is next level trolling (or would it be “henning?”). I’ve never been so proud. Wolfie was, without a doubt, making me remember Frisco’s glorious 2016 Supporters Shield. But, even with an impressive feat like that, there’s only one way to go. And they’ve been going down ever since.
Giving her wry grin, I thanked Wolfie for that. She wasn’t done, though. There was another book to be read. I opened this tome and saw the famous words of the Roman poet, Horace.
Tū nē quaesierīs, scīre nefās, quem mihi, quem tibī
fīnem dī dederint, Leuconoē”
“Don’t seek, it’s wrong to know, what end the gods will have give me and you, Leuconoe.”
I didn’t think I’d be taught about the transitory nature of life when I woke up today, but here we are.
I continued reading and found the kicker:
carpe diem, quam minimum crēdula posterō.
Ah, yes. “Pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the future.”
Of course! We must pluck this day! Live in the moment and drink in the joy and exhilaration of this season.
I walked out of the residence and spent the next who knows how long reveling in the moment, sucking the marrow out of this life. It was at this time that San Julius came out to me with a Christian Dior bag in her beak. She unceremoniously dropped it at my feet. Wolfie came up and did the same.
My vibe seemingly destroyed, I shouted at them, “What’s the point of this frippery?!”
They calmly stared the stare of a chicken at me until I understood. I smiled. They reciprocated and leapt, in unison, once to the right and then took one slight step to the left.
El FC 3-1 FC Frisco
Driussi Dior with a brace