Another season is here, which means Adidas has once again used the Design Paintbucket to come up with kits for every team using their one template they’ve come up with over their two year design process. Obligatory links to previous iterattions: Dillo and the rest. They release within two weeks of the season starting, which maybe makes it more on the public’s minds and some kind of insert corporate buzzword to the season, but why can’t they release them right after MLS Cup, building off that and allowing everyone to buy these for Christmas? Don’t get me wrong, the most romantic gift one can receive is a kit for your favorite club, it shows knowledge about your other cares. It’s also a green flag for relationships when someone can commit to loving something through the good times and bad.
These kits were “leaked” a few times, including by our mortal enemies at Footy Headlines, but the first real leak was by Koko, a local food “influencer,” via her Instagram stories. Stories she subsequently took down and then proceeded to DM those that shared trying to convince them to delete, but as we all know, the internet is forever.

Also weird to post such an unflattering picture in your stories, but maybe she was upset at not being able to talk to a manager. Who Knows
The club’s first official release of the kit was in a tweet featuring local Austin music legend Gary Clark Jr.

This was important as it was the first time we got to see the greens in correct lighting. Dating back to the Sentimiento kit, which looked awful online but great in person, the actual colors under sunlight make a huge difference. The different green hues balance well and continue the theme Austin FC is determined to stick to of always having vertical verde stripes on one of their kits. While it does look like a mowed lawn, which this author is unsure of if that’s good or bad, the design does present some issues. The name/number combination is difficult to see on the field (white lettering may have been a better option, same with the YETI writing). The real determiner of the design of course is how it looks on the players.

I think we can all agree, it looks great.
Unfortunately for Adidas, not everyone who buys this kit will fit into it the way professional soccer players do. MLS kits are now on the European slim cut, which means that the kits fit a size down than we are used to.

As you can see there’s extra space on both sides from the 2024 Dillo kit, meaning for anyone who hasn’t bought it yet, size up.
The kits will also have a team specific Apple logo, which is a cool touch to make something ubiquitous on the jersey individualized.

Austin FC Kit Rankings:
1) OG Verde and Black
2) Dillo Kit
3) Sentimiento
4) Heartbeat
59) Legends
74) Los Voces
Thank you everyone for reading and look forward to another season of ranking kits/Training Tops!